Nothing New Under the Sun

Nothing New Under the Sun

Let’s play a guessing game. I will share with you some headlines I created based on events that happened in a period of American history. Your job is to guess when they happened … The first series of headlines bring news of moral degradation in America....
Celebrating Godly Fathers

Celebrating Godly Fathers

Christian fathers who love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and who show the love of Jesus to their families are increasingly rare. The biblical standard for manhood is under attack in our society like never before. May our Lord illuminate our...
Christian Apologetics Are Pointless Without Truth

Christian Apologetics Are Pointless Without Truth

Christianity is built upon the bedrock of historical truth. Without absolute truth, the world is left floundering in a sea of subjectivity. What would happen when a Christian who claims Jesus is the only way to heaven is met with the reply, “You have your truth and I...
And This Be Our Motto – “In God is Our Trust”

And This Be Our Motto – “In God is Our Trust”

  This Memorial Day we remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to purchase, provide and protect the freedoms Americans currently enjoy. From Yorktown to Normandy to Iraq and Afghanistan, when freedom was threatened the American military responded. Some...